Best hearing aid centre in pune 

Best hearing aid centre in pune 

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Analog Vs Digital & Programable Hearing aid? 

Analog Hearing Aid. 

Analog Hearing Aid user expression
Analog Hearing Aid user expression

The first step to understand the analog hearing aid technology, it is a simple amplifier which amplify all the sounds are available around you. It means sometimes you can hear the words but it won't be easy to understand it because the noise is also amplifying through this. 

Previously we were using that kind of hearing machines because the lack of technology. But now we have a great hearing technologies. 

Programmable or Automatic Hearing aid.

The programmable hearing aid receives sound by microphone and filters it with using its programming chip before delivering to ear, we can process the sound on every frequency to helping you to hear a best quality of hearing without a noise.

There are channels and filters HD sound with noiseless speech and wireless technology to getting you a quality hearing. 

Digital and Programmable Hearing aids user.
Digital and Programmable Hearing aids user.

BTE Hearing aid
BTE Hearing aid

Behind The Ear hearing aid it is powerful and mostly suggested for severe to profound hearing loss. It starts from 15990/- with two years warranty which is programmable. 

RIC Hearing aid
RIC Hearing aid

RIC hearing aid specially recommended for sloping hearing loss . Cover upto severe hearing loss. Slightly invisible starts from 25200/- with 2 years warranty. Fully programmable 

IIC ( Invisible In the Canal ) Hearing aid
IIC ( Invisible In the Canal ) Hearing aid

IIC hearing aid specially suggested for those who is concerned about visibility*.Fitting range upto Moderately severe hearing loss . Fully programmed starts from 37000/- 2 years warranty.

*Depends on your ear canal depth.

JRD Hearing
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