Best hearing aid centre in pune 

Best hearing aid centre in pune 

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Hearing Aid Prices 

There are more than 500+ models in hearing aid. 

There are mainly three categories in hearing aid Basic Range , Medium Range , Premium Range 

Basic Range 

Basic range hearing aid comes with basic tuning features where we can use it at less noisy areas to hear comfortably, Mostly job retired or less budget people goes with it. 20-25 % people prefer to go with it. Starts from 14999/- and goes upto 37000/- for unilateral ear.

Medium Range 

Medium range basically comes along with automatic and Rechargeable features and it covers almost all hearing scenario in day to day life. Mostly 45-50% people prefer to go with it. Price starts from 44000/- and goes upto 165000/- 

Premium Range 

Premium range hearing aids are designed to use in every situation it gives you almost natural hearing amplification with fast sound processor. Which helps you to listen and understand clear speech in 360 degree , good clarity of sound , auto speech enhancement and auto noise reduction features helps you to understand clear speech in noisy situations too . It could connect to your phone directly and with your tv or other entertainment devices easily with a simple accessory . Starts from 190000/- and goes upto 348000/- unilateral .Mostly 20-25% people goes with it . 

JRD Hearing
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